Monday, November 27, 2006

Post Thanksgiving Thanks ...

In these days following Thanksgiving, a time when our better angels have begun to make an appearance ... and just before the schtuss of the "holiday season" overtakes us, everybody else and everything, may there always be a moment or two when a thoughtfully crafted reading opens us up just enough to actualize thoughts which need expression lest their great potential for inspiring good deeds, chesed and gemilus chasadim loses itself in the saddest category of them all ... That Which Might Have Been!

Thank You for the cemetary administrator who let us through the gates though it was past dusk and the cemetary closed!

Thank You for a younger son, Zachary, whose goodness and sweetness, become more manifest each day-and for finding those two stones: one for you, one for me but both for Ben!

Thank You for the gift of speech, especially the capacity to "verbalize" through the keyboard, when the spoken word becomes less intelligible.

Thank You to all those concerned and patient enough to look at my mouth speaking when their ears can't quite make out what I am saying.

Thank You for the insight that lost speech is found prose.

Thank You for a daughter who is never too old to tell me: " I love you!"

Thank You for the insight that those certain people who make cameo appearances in our lives are like God's tzitsis ... they remind us to do good, walk humbly and share acts of kindness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Alan,
And THANK YOU for sharing Ben. As I read your words, it brings back my own memories of my younger brother who tragically was killed at a young age. And ironic that I somehow found your site and draw comfort from yout words as I face the birthday of my brother in just 3 days, a time of deep sadness for me, but...I find comfort here and I thank you for that gift.