Dear Readers,
I would be pleased to accept your order for copies of Snapshots. Email me at fitterthanudad@aol.com. I guarentee a speedy response. Sales price is $12.95 plus shipping (around $4.00 for regular USPS service) I anticipate the books being ready as early as late December or early January. Thank you in advance.
http://www.waterforestpress.com/ ... copy amd paste into your browser, follow prompts.
Alan D. Busch
Dear Alan,
I am excited about your book. when we talked, I may not have mentioned that Victoria, your publisher, is my friends of many years. I have been published in many of her e-zines and print magazines. Let me know if I should send the check for the book to her now--I have amiled checks for her magazines many times--or wait until the release.
I am so proud of what you have done for the memory of your son. Maybe now, we can find peace. So far, I just feel as if in writing my memoir, that I brought her back and in finishing the book, losr her yet a second time.
Micki Mallie1025@aol.com
I am wondering after reading Micki's sentiments if what we lose is a piece of our grief. When we find our peaceful hearts. I am thinking - in my greed to hold onto my own grief - I gladly carry it, still. Soon, perhaps, I will brave the testimonials that you and Micki have. Todah rabah ... for your friendship and inspiration.
Simcha, Sarai
Dear Micki,
I frankly admit that your last thought is one that has not occured to me until now. Sadly brilliant!
On the profane question of payment, send it to me. I'll ship to you.
Perhaps one loses a piece of grief, and it may happen with certain individuals. I do not know.I do not think it ever really diminishes. Rather we learn to live with grief better.
Dear Sarai, I said in my book--and did not realize it until I wrote it, as with so many emotions I wrote--that the grief became such a part of our lives that we felt almost comfortable with it. This is not a good thing, as I believe it prevents healing. At best, it prolongs certain stages of grief that we need to pass through and move forward to yet other segments of the long process of loss. It's 26 years, and I am still not past it--but I can now live with it and that's where we all need to be. At least, these are my thoughts and feelings, as I never had loss like this before--and like Alan's--so quick and brutal.
Blessings, Micki
Dear Micki,
How kind of you to reply to my remarks. Sadly, we share the unspeakable cruelty of this kind of shocking loss. I find myself surrendering the clarity in my voice, unlike Alan and yourself who seemed to have found yours. I wonder if one's hearts and spirits' weary goes away and a true rekindling of the life force is possible.
Kindest regards, Sarai
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