Friday, March 31, 2006

Dear Readers,

It is important that Ben's story be widely broadcast and read. My regret is that someone much more able than I isn't telling the story!

In any case, as always, I appreciate your time, effort and interest.

On behalf of my late son Ben, Z'l, I thank you!


"Rabbi, good morning!

It's Alan ... what do you think?

Is it just plain dumb, excessively schmaltzdik or both if we were to turn on Ben's yahrzeit light Sunday night?


p.s. or it may even be a good idea?"

That is the email I sent to my friend Rabbi L. for his input on this question.

As I was getting ready for work this past Tuesday morning, I was still ruminating on the question of what would be an appropriate way to manifest Ben's presence this Sunday afternoon, April 2, at our simcha.

It had not occurred to me until just then that the answer was right there before me. Ben's "ner neshuma" on the shul's yahrzeit plaque!

But of course! Turn on Ben's yahrzeit light!

As background to this question, you may have read my previous posting.

Any thoughts? Please submit in writing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally think you are a very brave person ,to have put Bens story on here , for all to read , as i said i found it very moving and i would very much ,like to continue chatting to FITTERTHANU DAD I AM A WOMAN OF 72 AND A WIDOW ,have been for 5 years , i have met a lovely man who has been living with me now for 18 months but we have been ,seeing each other for 2 years before, to have lost your son the way you did must have been devastating for you ,as its bad enough losing them ,naturally i hope we chat soon again Margaret